Transform your life and career with the power of story.
Transform your life and career with the power of story.
Get direct training by Oscar-Nominated producer of Pretty Woman
About Gary W. Goldstein
Advisor & STRATEGIST, storyteller & filmmaker
Gary’s career path strikes many as eclectic.
While teaching outdoor ecology and biology to middle and high school students at Audubon Canyon Ranch in Bolinas, California, Gary earned a degree from UC Berkeley in Geomorphology (the scientific study of the origin and evolution of this rare and beautiful planet).
A law degree followed and Gary became a criminal defense attorney in San Francisco, working for a foundation devoted to addressing individual, family and community challenges facing the residents of Bayview Hunters Point, an underserved African American community. The mission was helping people. The unexpected benefit of logging many hours in a courtroom was mastering the art of storytelling.
On the side, Gary provided pro bono representation to homeopaths, naturopaths, acupuncturists and chiropractors. These clients educated Gary about innovations in preventive health technologies, an area that’s remained a passion to this day. Today, Gary sits on the board of directors or advisory board of various companies pioneering advances in health technologies and human performance.
A handful of years later, Gary craved change and moved from San Franciso to Los Angeles, intent on breaking into a hyper-competitive film industry. Rather than telling stories in a courtroom, he wanted to champion stories for the big screen - stories that might have a more far-reachiing impact.
Film producing became Gary’s crash course in developing and shepherding projects, building teams, learning the intricacies of financing, production, post-production, global distribution and marketing.
Gary’s generated over $1 Billion at the box office, including major studio films like Under Siege, The Mothman Prophecies, and Pretty Woman, which became the highest-grossing live action film in Disney’s history. His films have received multiple Oscar nominations and a Golden Globe, as well as numerous European honors.
Gary is a collaborative partner in establishing the PowerSource Summit, the brainchild of Dr. Christyl Johnson, Deputy Director for Technology and Research Investments at NASA’s Goddard Center. The summit is a unique gathering of scientists, technologists, government and business leaders, artists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries from around the globe - all with a focus on tools and techniques driving innovation in environmental science, high-tech health, model-based design, the arts, cybersecurity and more.
Blending his legal, business and creative experience, Gary collaborates with founders, CEOs and thought leaders to re-imagine their story to the world and build more persuasive narratives, and deliver transformative strategic advisory services.
An optimist who welcomes new challenges, Gary believes how we speak to the world, the stories we tell ourselves and others, and our social narratives have never been more crucial.